New penalties will not turn back the rising tide of fly-tipping, environmental charity warns.
from today new fixed penalty notices will come into force, which will see people who illegally dump their rubbish fined between £150 and £400.
Keep Britain Tidy welcomes these new fines arguing they will give local authorities the power to deal with small-scale fly-tipping quickly and efficiently rather than going through the courts.
The charity, however, warns that more preventative action must be taken to deal with a problem that costs nearly £50m a year.
The latest statistics from the government show that in 2014/15 local authorities in England dealt with 900,000 incidents of fly-tipping, an increase of 5.6% on the previous year.
Keep Britain Tidy chief executive Allison Ogden-Newton said: ‘The new Fixed Penalty Notices give local authorities a new weapon in…