
Essex County Council permanently rolls out recycling centre bookings

The trial system will now continue following a public consultation. 

blue and white plastic pack lot

18,000 responses were taken into account, with 58% in favour of keeping the pre-booking policy for cars, and 72% backing it for vans and larger vehicles. Nine LGV-friendly sites were chosen for the pilot, which began in February 2022, before expanding to all recycling centres in the county the following year. 

‘Efficient waste services play an important role in increasing recycling and reducing waste. This is why we are pleased that a decision has been taken to keep the booking process permanently,’ said Cllr Peter Schwier, Cabinet Member for Climate, Environment, Waste Reduction and Recycling at Essex County Council.

‘The booking process was introduced to help smooth service demand throughout the day. Incidents of congestion and queuing have reduced since the trial started. This has made our sites safer and more efficient,’ he continued. ‘Our final evaluation of the booking trial shows that overall satisfaction with the booking process is high. Going forwards, we will use the consultation feedback to enhance our waste services.’

A recent study showed that South Oxfordshire District Council had the highest recycling rates in the UK, but encouraging more uptake of services across the country is a Government priority. In terms of total waste produced, CRJ Services’ Waste Index Report, showed no UK authority had a recycling rate higher than 40%. Targets are in place to increase this to 65% by 2035, leaving plenty of ground to make up. 

Find out about recycling strategies set to transform the sector in 2024.

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