Newcastle City Council plans to outsource its winter service provision under a maximum 10-year contract worth up to £6m.
The council’s cabinet has voted to approve a competitive procurement exercise to secure a contractor, to allow the council to focus resources on delivering core services in line with the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
The new contract will be for eight years, with a 24 month option to extend, and is valued at £5.98m.
A report to councillors advises that reforming management and adopting new ways of working currently allowed the council to sustain the existing level of service provision but that meeting the requirements of the Environmental Protection required new ways of delivering services.
The report adds: ‘As a result we are no longer able to divert resources to undertake the seasonal night shift patterns required to staff a winter maintenance programme.’
The council plans to transfer its existing fleet and lease its salt barn to the contractor, while continuing to buy salt through the North East Procurement Organisation regional framework.
The report notes the risk that bids under the tender process could come in higher than current financial resources but adds soft market testing indicated this would not happen.
Photo by daniel.d.slee