
EcoWise launches, helping UK businesses save money with net zero

The 12-month programme provides critical support for British businesses and employees in their path to a sustainable future, as surveys reveal workforce ‘unwilling’ to apply for jobs without green impact.

man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers

Over the year, those attending the course – delivered by SaveMoneyCutCarbon, will receive training in carbon literacy assessments, while being tasked to conduct their own research into the need for net zero workplaces and homes, using educational materials. The main aim is to help people incite change among their families, friends and colleagues, gaining rewards or Planet Points, which can be redeemed for products and services via a new online Home Shop.

Quantifiable data revealing the progress of organisational environmental social and governance (ESG) programmes will also be presented, allowing individuals to track progress in real-time. The platform also provides tools and technologies required in order to make adjustments and alterations to processes, such as eco-friendly daily consumable swaps or full retrofit projects. Customer support and financing options are also included. 

As part of the launch, SaveMoneyCutCarbon has also published the results of a new survey into the UK workforce’s attitude towards green employment, with one-in-five people now say they would not consider joining a business that doesn’t prioritise sustainability. Elsewhere, it was found that just 18% of businesses have sustainability central to training in the workplace, highlighting the need to increase engagement, although 14% of employees now taking environmental matters into their own hands due to frustrations at the lack of effort on the part of managers and co-workers. Overall, 19% of respondents concurred that the workplace does not create an environment conducive to sustainability. 

‘Given the cost-of-living crisis and the escalating climate emergency, when funding stands still, it goes backwards. With schemes popping up and expiring in the last decade, it’s hard to get a measure of the total value of grants offered over time. In all cases, these schemes are usually time bound and subject to whims or changing administrations. They can only ever be part of the solution,’ said Mark Sait CEO and founder of SaveMoneyCutCarbon. ‘It is crucial for employers to understand the generations who are increasingly turning away from roles who do not prioritise ESG goals, but further to continue to drive progress on the challenges that matter most to them. This will not only help boost productivity and retain talent—it will ultimately build trust and value for business in society more broadly.’

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Image: Campaign Creators


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