
Danone has pledged to become more environmentally responsible

French multinational food-product corporation Danone has launched a new campaign ‘WeActForWater’ to help tackle global water challenges. 

The campaign is aimed at bringing safe water to people around the world in an environmentally responsible way.

The campaign includes plans for water brands Evian, Volvic, Aqua and Bonafont, who are owned by Danone, to halve the amount of virgin plastic used, reaching 50% of recycled use worldwide and 100% across Europe by 2025.

The campaign also outlines plans for the corporation to become carbon neutral by 2025 and they have also pledged to match every litre of water sold with a litre for people in need by creating a fund to help 50 million people in developing countries to have access to safe water by 2030.

Danone has also stated they will enhance watershed and wetlands prevention around the world.

CEO and chairman of Danone, Emmanual Faber said: ‘Water is one of the most precious resources on Earth and one of the biggest topics for mankind.

‘The bold actions we are announcing today are a critical milestone for our brands to act on climate, nature and access issues.

‘It will drive conversations to the fundamental purpose of water.

‘I am confident that the pioneering responsible business model we are setting going forward will uniquely position our water brands to create and share value for all in the future.’

Secretary-general of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Martha Rojas Urrego, said: ‘Just 3% of the water on our planet is fresh and is mostly found in wetlands, which include lakes, rivers and aquifers.

‘Yet 35 % of the world’s wetlands have been lost since 1970 and they continue to disappear three times faster than forests.

‘Acting to conserve and restore freshwater ecosystems is the only way to guarantee a future with water for all.

The Convention on Wetlands applauds Danone for launching ‘WeActForWater’ and their efforts to conserve the world’s wetlands, watersheds and the precious biodiversity they contain.’

Photo Credit – Pixabay

Pippa Neill
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